VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – The Valley City Public School District recognized a number of students for their accomplishments during their regular school board meeting on May 16th.

It was a big day for the school district, earlier in the day they held a ground breaking ceremony for the first phase of the Hanna Field Athletic Complex followed by their regular board meeting.

Congratulations to all of the students including the Speech Team on their back to back Class “A” State Championship. Here are some highlights of the evening.

Back row; Valley City High School Speech Team. Seated is the Valley City School Board.
Back row; Members of the Valley City Choral group. Seated is the Valley City School Board.
Back row is Superintendent Josh Johnson along with Valley City Art Students.
Back row L to R; School board members Rich Schueneman, Ryan Mathias, Joyce Branagel, Val Mortiz and Mike Callahan. Front row is Valley City student Rylan Skramstad who led the pledge of allegiance at the start of the May 16th school board meeting.