JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – When Jamestown Tourism unveiled the Jamestown Calendar, they did so with the purpose of growing event awareness and participation.

With it, they also hoped to strengthen the tourist experience.

Emily Bivens works with Jamestown Tourism. She says the calendar is also used in a regional format with communities like LaMoure, Medina, and Wimbledon contributing information to the calendar.

She pointed out that they’re excited for the continued usage and growth of the events calendar.

From a tourism standpoint, Bivens says they’re hoping to bring more individuals to come and stay in Jamestown because of all the events that are happening.

Bivens says events added to the calendar get added coverage, being used by area media, newspapers, radio stations and North Dakota Tourism.

The website of the calendar is jamestowncalendar.com. Events on the site can be made specific to what an individual has interest in.

You can listen to a full interview with Emily Bivens below: