JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The City of Jamestown held a special meeting Monday, April 16th to address some items. City Councilwoman Pam Phillips was not present.

As the first item of business, the city needed to address the City Water Superintendent position. Earlier this year, Steve Suko announced his retirement from the position.

Mayor Katie Andersen says they had five individuals apply for the position.

Andersen stated that Perry Kuss was the recommended hire for the position. Kuss has been an operator with the Stutsman Rural Water District since 2004.

Andersen says Kuss has all but one of the training requirements for the position.

Kuss will achieve the final certification while serving in the position. Andersen says the first weekend in May is the expected start date. He will receive $6,561 per month in the position. The council unanimously approved to hire Kuss.

The other piece of business needing approval from the city was the Frontier Village Access Road Retaining Wall repairs. The engineer’s estimate for the project came in at $185,000. The lowest bid received came in at $161,899 from Border States Paving.

Councilman Steve Brubakken pointed out in a letter from City Engineer Travis Dillman that Border States Paving had not originally done work like this before. Dillman stated that there were no concerns.

Dillman says they will move the new wall a little to the north and leave the existing wall in place to an extent.

Dillman says an SRF Grant will cover 60% of the construction cost and the rest will be special assessed to area occupants. Those include Jamestown Tourism, Frontier Village Association and Buffalo Museum. Dillman says Border States was waiting for approval and would be able to begin work immediately.

The council unanimously approved.