JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Central Valley Health District is working on raising awareness during February, which is Child Passenger Safety Month.

Shannon Kaiser, Central Valley Health District Car Technician, says their using this time to educate individuals on tethers, which are standard for forward-facing car seats.

“Only 50% of parents and caregivers of kid’s in forward-facing car seats use the tether straps,” Kaiser explained. “Many people don’t even know the purpose of this essential strap.”

According to the North Dakota Department of Transportation, tether straps help reduce the movement of a child’s head.

“Tether use is an essential step to safety that should not be skipped,” said Dawn Mayer, program director for the North Dakota Department of Health Child Passenger Safety Program. “ Car seat tethers can reduce the movement of a child’s head by 4 to 6 inches or more in a crash. That doesn’t sound like much, but in the event of a crash, when everything else is flying around in the vehicle, it is.”

The NDDoH has plans to place billboards all over the state to raise awareness of using the tether’s in vehicles. For help with tether straps or car seats in general, call 800-472-2286 or visit www.nhtsa.gov/parents.