JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The City of Jamestown held their regularly scheduled monthly meeting Monday, February 5th to cover and address a variety of agenda items.
The council approved several payments for ongoing projects including engineering services on a variety of consultations, payment for AE2S and on-call engineering services, and other items. Councilman Dan Buchanan removed the resolution for notice of default to the Recycling Center of North Dakota for clarification purposes, asking why the city was so late on sending a letter of default out.
City Attorney Leo Ryan explained.
Ryan pointed out that the action was being taken because curbside recycling has not been implemented at the set deadline of February 1st.
Ryan says it begins a process, saying that this is expressing the city’s position on the issue. The default notification puts a date on the contract and if it can’t be met by the Recycling Center of North Dakota, will force the city to take appropriate action. The resolution to send the letter was passed unanimously.
Later, discussion was held on entering an agreement renewal with the Jamestown Community Correction Program to provide community service and restitution services for a fee of $3.00 per hour. Attorney Ryan recommended tabling the issue until more information became available.
In other business, Ritchie Wolff, Senior Area Engineer for Otter Tail Power Company, came before the council to elaborate on the request for reimbursement for relocating electrical lines off City right-of-way along 12th Avenue NE.
Because of this, Ottertail was required to move their equipment at extra cost. He says it was discussed to have the city pay for this as it became an issue due to a city decision. Wolff says the lines were reinstalled underground, at a cost of around $33,000. He requested the city pay the cost of $7,545.13, which was the cost to move the pole, contractor cost, and material cost.
Mayor Katie Andersen says there is justification for the request for reimbursement.
The city approved the request for reimbursement with Councilman Steve Brubakken voting in opposition.