VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – Barnes, Stutsman and Richland counties will drop the CodeRed notification system and replacing it with another one.
Barnes County Emergency manager Sue Lloyd said the company called Everbridge, will notify the public of emergency situations and also cut the yearly service fee for the county in half.
Lloyd said a portion of the set-up cost will be shared by all three counties. The yearly fee will be $2,400 compared to $5,000 annually. The one time set-up fee for Barnes County will be $10,000. She told Barnes County Commissioners about the plan and the cost.
The Barnes County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved of the motion to have Everbridge replace CodeRed at their regular meeting on December 5th.
Lloyd said the public will be notified of the changes in the near future.
CodeRED is a notification system used to inform residents of severe weather and emergency situations by leaving messages in voicemail boxes, answering machines, email or text messages. Everbridge will be hired to replace that system in Barnes, Stutsman and Richland counties.