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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The first annual Walk to Silence the Stigma was held on Saturday, October 7th in Jamestown.

The event was held to raise money and awareness of suicide prevention. The group Unite to Silence the Stigma is known originally for their Ride to Silence the Stigma, but introduced their Walk to Silence the Stigma to raise more awareness.

“The Walk to Silence the Stigma on October 7th was successful,” committee member Monte Rodacker reports. “48 people were registered. Dr. Jennifer Nitschke of South Central Human Services was our keynote speaker.”

The Jamestown Police Department escorted the walking group south from the Nickeus Park walk bridge, down First Avenue, and around town. The walkers returned to the park where a balloon release was held.

“We thank not only the Jamestown Police officers for their help, but Newman Outdoor Advertising, Praxaire, McDonald’s, and First Community Credit Union for their donations of message boards, digital billboard time, helium, and drink cups,” Rodacker stated.

Below are some photos from the event courtesy of Monte Rodacker.