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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Spiritwood Energy Park Association board met in regular session Tuesday morning to discuss project updates.

Senior Project Manager Rich Garman gave the board an update on the continued wetland mitigation plan.

Garman says other than that, maintenance is the only thing they’ve been keeping focus on.

Later, Dakota Spirit Ag and Midwest AgEnergy Group CEO Jeff Zueger gave the latest on plant operations at the park. Zueger reported that they had made a decision to not shutdown this fall, but rather wait until next Spring.

Zueger says they’ve also rolled out imogen corn, which he says producers can start signing up for acreage next year. He says the corn will be around 15% of their total corn usage, or 3.75 million bushels a year.

Zueger says the corn will do well in this area and they are excited about the prospect of using it. The SEPA board also talked about the North Dakota Soy letter of intent, which was signed last week and puts in motion the plant being constructed at the Spiritwood Ag Energy Park.