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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – An open forum and in depth discussion will be held tonight at the Jamestown High School Auditorium.

The focus will be on the famous book and documentary “Most Likely to Succeed” and will feature a panel of State Superintendent Kirsten Baesler, Robert Lech, JPS superintendent; Adam Gehlhar, JHS principal, and Sean Rinkenberger, a Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce Board member and chief financial officer at First Community Credit Union.

Superintendent Lech reports that they will be taking a deeper look into 21st Century learning, which considers the 4 C’s: Communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Lech says they will use the documentary to help the discussion.

Jamestown High School Principal Adam Gehlhar has some connections with the school the documentary focuses on. While in residency at High Tech High in San Diego, CA, Gehlhar was able to see firsthand the different ways they provided 21st century learning. He says education is always changing.

Lech reports that as work continues with their Citizen Advisory group and finding facility needs and upgrades for the district, it’s important that education is also the focus for students.

The free and open forum will be tonight at 6 PM in the Jamestown High School Auditorium. Parents, students, business leaders and others are encouraged to attend and discuss how the district can help students succeed and why this is more important than ever.

Below is a full conversation with Superintendent Lech and Principal Gehlhar: