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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Valley City High School speech team competed in two tournaments. The first was at the West Fargo Speech Invitational and another at the Fargo South Speech Invitational on Friday, February 21st.
In the first tournament: Valley City placed 1st out of the 11 teams at the tournament with 137 sweepstakes points. Placing 2nd was West Fargo Sheyenne with 82 sweepstakes points and third was Devils Lake with 78 sweepstakes points. Individual results for the West Fargo tournament are as follows:
Humorous Duo: Mikey Meester/Erik Johnson- 4th
Speech to Persuade: Rebecca Montecuollo-8th, Rose Marcellus- 5th, Jacob Berntson- 1st (State Qualified)
Impromptu Speaking: Abby Slyter-3rd
Storytelling: Mikey Meester-3rd
Poetry: Rose Marcellus- 1st (State Qualified)
Humorous Interpretation: Eliza Johnson-8th, Maggie Oberlander- 6th, Aurora Ziniel- Top Novice
Dramatic Interpretation: Lily Kiefert-top novice, Maggie Oberlander-6th, Monesha Terry-4th, Rose Marcellus- 1st (State qualified)
Speech to Inform: Erik Johnson- 3rd, Jacob Berntson- 2nd
Serious Prose: Mikey Meester-2nd, Abby Slyter-1st (State Qualified)
Serious Duo: Madi Klabo/Tucker Schonert- Top novice, Olivia Slyter/Dylan Quick- 6th, Eliza Johnson/Maggie Oberlande-5th, Abby Slyter/Mikey Meester-2nd
Speech to Entertain: Katy Meester-7th, Rebecca Montecuollo- 6th, Rachel Borg- 4th
EPR: Eliza Johnson- 8th, Maggie Oberlander-4th
Extemp Speaking: Sharon Michael-8th
Radio Broadcasting: Eliza Johnson-3rd
In the second tournament: Valley City placed 1st out of 14 teams at the Fargo South speech invitational with 125 sweepstakes points. West Fargo and West Fargo Sheyenne tied for 2nd place with 88 points apiece.
Individual results are as follows:
Humorous: Dylan Quick- 8th, Maggie Oberlander-6th
Serious Duo: Dylan Quick/Olivia Slyter-6th, Mikey Meester/Abby Slyter-5th, Maggie Oberlander/Erik Johnson- 3rd
Radio Broadcasting- 7th
Speech to Persuade: Rebecca Monteucollo-6th, Jacob Berntson- 5th, Sharon Michael- 4th, Abby Slyter-2nd
Impromptu Speaking: Erik Johnson- 6th
Poetry: Lily Kiefert- Top Novice, Rose Marcellus-3rd
Humorous Duo: Katy Meester/Elizabeth Gazelely- 6th, Mikey Meester/Erik Johnson- 2nd
Serious Prose: Monesha Terry-6th, Mikey Meester-3rd, Abby Slyter-1st
Speech to Inform: Jacob Berntson- 8th, Erik Johnson- 3rd
Speech To Entertain: Katy Meester- 8th, Rebecca Montecuollo- 7th
Dramatic Interpretation: Abby Slyter- Superior Speaker, Maggie Oberlander-3rd, Rose Marcellus- 1st (State Qualified)
EPR: Maggie Oberlander-4th, Abby Slyter-2nd
Mikey Meester Placed 2nd in Storytelling and Tucker Schonert was the top novice.