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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Both major road projects were discussed during the regular Jamestown City Council meeting Tuesday, July 5th.

Several items were approved on the consent agenda. Payment to Interstate Engineering for services in several departments including Sewer, Water and Solid Waste were approved. Other items approved include seal coating, water main replacement and reports from city departments.

One item was removed from the consent agenda by Councilwoman Pam Phillips regarding the road to the Jamestown Regional Medical Center. She and Councilman Dan Buchanan raised several questions regarding how the city would pay for the construction of the road and if both landowners have agreed to the project.

City Administrator Jeff Fuchs stated that the landowners were behind the project and the city was still in the discussion with them regarding the annexation. This was to be done between the property owner and Interstate Engineering. When asked about funding, Fuchs stated that there might be several ways funding can be obtained depending on the cost of the project.

The council voted to approve the payment to Interstate Engineering for their continued work on the project.

The next discussed project was 5th Street Northeast Paving, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Water Improvements in the area of the Two Rivers Activity Center. Fuchs gave a presentation regarding the Special Assessment District in the area for the project. He pointed out that the city would pay up to 25% of the Special Assessments and the balance would be assessed to the properties over 15 to 20 years, depending on the bond issues that are approved.

Questions arose from the public regarding storm water run-off with the project and how it would affect surrounding properties. Travis Dillman with Interstate Engineering stated that they are still looking at how to proceed with that.

Dillman said other mains might be added depending on the needs in the area. Councilman Buchanan stated that the city should consider a city-wide Special Assessment due to the area being improved for the TRAC facility. An open hearing was held and no opposition or protest was given. All members voted in favor of continuing with the project with Councilman Buchanan voting in opposition.

One of the last items before the council was approving an application from the Depot Cafe for an On-sale Beer, Wine, and Sparkling Wine license. The business had to re-apply because of a change in ownership.