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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – When Jamestown Toursim looks at growth in their department, they focus on three things: Camping, regional profile, and history profile.
Executive Director of Jamestown Toursim Searle Swedlund stated that it’s difficult to accurately gauge growth in tourism without a strong economic tool to study that. Swedlund stated that the recent attention towards the state has helped tourism in Jamestown.
The most recent biannual study by North Dakota Tourism has shown a 25% increase in tourism visits between 2013 and 2015. Swedlund stated that the group has set their focus on increasing the experience of Jamestown. One item that Jamestown Tourism is looking at is Talking Trails.
Swedlund pointed out that Jamestown Tourism will continue to look at ways to make touring Jamestown a new experience.