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CITY, N.D. – ( A letter of 15 questions listing several allegations against six Valley City officials by Valley City resident Robert Drake created a storm in the city of bridges after they were released to the public on January 21.
Some of the allegations accuse the City Administrator David Schelkoph of illegally giving city employees a 1 percent raise, incorrectly claimed homes purchased for permanent flood protection could not be moved within the city and not following the proper procedure over a sexual harassment allegation against Police Chief Fred Thompson, another allegation accuses Police Lieutenant David Swenson of engaging in sexual relations while on duty, another accuses City Attorney Russell Myhre of purchasing alcohol to minors (at the request of the Barnes County State’s Attorney’s office a BCI agent has been investigating this allegation against Myhre), there’s also an allegation of a conflict of interest against City Commissioners Matt Pedersen and Duane Magnuson and City Commissioner Mary Lee Nielson is accused of withholding information to city officials about some of these allegations. Another accusation accuses Nielson of being involved in a hateful website that discredited three people running for public office back in 2006 while Nielson was running in the mayoral election.
Jamestown attorney Joseph Larson represents four city officials. Larson says the allegations are false, shameful and disgraceful. David Schelkoph, Fred Thompson, David Swenson and Russell Myhre made a request to the Barnes County State’s Attorney to have the North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) conduct an investigation to see if Robert Drake and Valley City Mayor Bob Werkhoven violated a North Dakota Century Code (Threatening a Public Servant) with the intent to influence the actions of public officials of Valley City to obtain a favorable decision on the filing of a proposed petition to disband the Valley City police department.
Another point makes a request to have the BCI to investigate whether a North Dakota Century Code was violated (Criminal Defamation) by publishing a letter written by Robert Drake in which he makes a request to have the city investigate his accusations against these city officials and to see if Mayor Bob Werkhoven participated in the dissemination of Drakes’ December 7th letter.
Robert Drake had this response.
Bob Werkhoven had this reaction.
Below is a list of the documents that the City of Valley City submitted to the media on January 21st concerning this request for investigation.