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CITY, N.D. – ( The Director of Barnes County Social Services is under fire after some employees accused Rick Bolonchuk of creating a hostile work environment. He’s been the director for 6 months.

Social Services board president Tom Overn questioned Bolonchuk’s leadership.

Barnes County Commissioner Cindy Schwehr is concerned about Bolonchuk’s attitude in the department following these accusations while Commission Chairman Mike Metcalf believes some employees should be fired.

Commissioner Rodger Berntson wants to get both sides of the story.

Commissioner Bill Carlblom asked if this extension for Bolonchuk would work.

Social Services Director Rick Bolonchuk had this reaction after the meeting.

Barnes County Commissioner John Froehlich told the board he would watch the situation closely and give the board updates.

On Monday, January 18th the Social Service board unanimously approved of extending Bolonchuk contract for three more months on a trial basis.

On Tuesday, January 19th the Barnes County Commission unanimously approved of the Social Service board recommendation to extend Bolonchuk contract for 3 months.

Barnes County Social Services boar president Tom Overn addresses the Barnes County Commission.
Barnes County Social Services boar president Tom Overn addresses the Barnes County Commission.

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Barnes County Social Services Director Rick Bolonchuk has been on the job for six months. Photos by Steve Urness.
Barnes County Social Services Director Rick Bolonchuk has been on the job for six months. Photos by Steve Urness.

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