
BISMARCK, N.D. ( – The North Dakota State Auditor’s Office has completed the Single Audit, a federally required review of how state agencies are managing and spending federal funds.

Over the audit period, from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2024, North Dakota spent more than $6.8 billion in federally awarded grants. These funds were given to 48 state agencies, including colleges and the university system, supporting programs in areas like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. The Single Audit evaluates whether that grant money is being used in compliance with federal regulations. Our team identified 24 opportunities for agencies to improve the way they manage these funds.

North Dakota is the only state granted an exemption to conduct this audit every other year, all other states conduct a Single Audit annually.

“We appreciate the work that state agencies do as stewards of taxpayer dollars,” said State Auditor Joshua Gallion. “Our goal is to help these agencies continue to improve their processes and make sure federal funds are used effectively across North Dakota.”

The full single audit report can be viewed here:
Governance communication can be viewed here: