
BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Legislators, lobbyists, the Capitol Press corps, and state executive elected officials participated in the Capitol Classic basketball shoot-out to raise over $24,000 for Special Olympics North Dakota. The executive elected officials defeated seven other teams to win the coveted Capitol Classic Trophy. Team members included Governor Kelly Armstrong, State Treasurer Thomas Beadle, State Auditor Josh Gallion, State Insurance Commissioner Jon Godfread, and Public Service Commissioner Jill Kringstad.

The Capitol Classic started as a friendly basketball game between legislators and lobbyists many years ago. Although the format has changed into a basketball shoot-out with arcade-style hoops, it continues to be a Legislative Session tradition raising money and awareness for Special Olympics North Dakota. Eight teams with five members each participated in the shoot-out today including the Senate Republican Caucus, Senate Democrat Caucus, House Republican Caucus, House Democrat Caucus, state executive elected officials, members of the Capitol Press corps, and registered lobbyists.

“Our theme this year is ‘Strength in Unity,’ and the Capitol Classic Basketball Shoot-out is a great example of individuals and groups coming together with a collaborative spirit to support our organization,” said Special Olympics North Dakota President/CEO Nancy Hanson. “We are grateful to the legislators, lobbyists, elected officials, and members of the media who joined together to raise money and awareness through this fun event. The funds raised will help ensure that Special Olympics programming can continue to be offered throughout our state.”

A special ceremony displaying the true spirit of Special Olympics kicked off the Capitol Classic. Five Special Olympics athletes accompanied by Major Aaron Hummel of the North Dakota Highway Patrol, performed the traditional carrying of the torch and led the audience in the reciting of the Special Olympics oath – “Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”       

Capitol Classic committee members included Michael Howe (North Dakota Secretary of State), Russ Hanson (Associated General Contractors of North Dakota), Maj. Aaron Hummel (North Dakota Highway Patrol), Al Jaeger, Nancy Hanson (Special Olympics North Dakota), and Cathy Muus (Special Olympics North Dakota).