VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Since early December, the School Facility Advisory Committee, appointed by the school board, has been working to develop a facility-related recommendation for the school board’s consideration. This Thursday, March 20th the committee will meet to finalize its recommendation, which will then be presented at a special school board meeting on Tuesday, March 25.
Over the past four months, the committee has convened five times to tour school buildings, review facility condition assessments, and establish preliminary facility-related priorities. The 17-member committee—comprising of school staff and community representatives—has carefully examined options to address the district’s facility needs, including potential renovations and new school construction. Throughout this process, the committee has kept short- and long-term financial considerations at the forefront, including estimated project costs, potential tax impacts, and the financial consequences of delaying necessary facility maintenance.
Valley City Public Schools is committed to transparency in all facility-related discussions, recommendations, and decisions. We want our students, staff, parents, and community members to be well informed throughout this process. After the committee presents its recommendation and the school board takes any related action, we will provide an update with further details, including resources and ways to access additional information.
Thank you for your engagement and support as we work together to plan for the future of Valley City Public Schools. If you have any questions prior to our next update or communication, please don’t hesitate to contact me and/or committee and school board members.
Superintendent Josh Johnson Valley City Public School District.