FARGO, ND, (Red Cross) – The American Red Cross serving Eastern North Dakota and Northwestern Minnesota is issuing a call to help ensure no one faces a disaster alone by donating on Red Cross Giving Day, March 26.
In the first 50 days of 2025, Red Cross volunteers responded to more major disasters across the U.S. than there were days in the new year. In addition to supporting disaster relief in the Minnesota and Dakotas region, 75 responders—more than 90% of them volunteers—deployed to help people affected by wildfires, storms, and flooding. Closer to home, our teams responded to more than 200 single- and multi-family home fires in just 50 days, turning lives upside down and underscoring the urgent need for help.
“This year disasters have set a whirlwind pace,” said Kimberly Vosseteig, executive director of the Red Cross serving eastern North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota. “Across the country, disasters have displaced thousands of people from their homes. As we enter spring disaster season, people are relying on the Red Cross to come together as a community and support them when help can’t wait.”
MAKE A FINANCIAL DONATION: Donations will be part of Red Cross Giving Day, which aims to rally 30,000 individuals to help people affected by disasters big and small. A gift of any size makes a difference. For example, a donation of $3 can provide a comfort kit with supplies like a toothbrush, comb and shampoo, and a gift of $11 can provide a nutritious meal, snack and drink. Visit redcross.org/mndaks to make a financial donation.
For those who are able, any donor who gives $140 or more in March will receive a choice of a Red Cross monopack or a pair of socks as a thank-you for supporting our mission. Donors can make their gift and claim their thank-you by visiting redcross.org any time during March.
GET TRAINED, GIVE BLOOD and VOLUNTEER: More people are needed to get trained before disasters happen. In addition, people can support their communities through the Red Cross by donating blood and volunteering. People are encouraged to learn more about opportunities and upcoming blood drives at redcross.org/mndaks.