
BISMARCK, N.D. – The State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs, jointly administered by the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality and the North Dakota Public Finance Authority, awarded seven loans for water, sanitary sewer and landfill projects since January.

Galesburg was awarded a $3 million loan from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) to replace faulty components of the lagoon to bring it up to current standards, update the lift station and replace portions of the sanitary sewer collection system.

Grafton was granted a $750,000 loan from the CWSRF to replace the control panel and two pumps at the lift station and make improvements to the aeration cell of the lagoon. This project will reduce repairs and improve system reliability.

Jamestown was awarded a $2.79 million CWSRF loan to close an existing landfill cell and open a new one to protect the area from leachate.
Turtle Lake was awarded a $452,000 loan from the CWSRF to rehabilitate manholes and install three blocks of new sanitary sewer main. This will ensure services are properly connected to the main line, making maintenance easier and more efficient.

New Town received a $5.11 million CWSRF loan and a $4.01 million Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan to fix or replace the community’s water, sanitary sewer mains and stormwater infrastructure. This project will reduce emergency repairs and improve system reliability.

Beach was granted a $2.82 million DWSRF loan for water main, sewer main, and street improvements, including the replacement of aged cast iron water mains with new PVC pipe to increase water quality, redundancy and decrease operating and maintenance costs due to flushing, leaks and breaks.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides part of the SRF programs’ funding, which offers below-market interest rate loans to political subdivisions for financing projects authorized under the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act. SRF programs operate nationwide to provide funding to maintain and improve the infrastructure that protects our vital water resources.

Loans are awarded to projects listed on the project priority list based on project eligibility determined by the Department of Environmental Quality and the Public Finance Authority’s review of repayment ability. The Public Finance Authority is overseen by the North Dakota Industrial Commission, consisting of Governor Kelly Armstrong as chairman, Attorney General Drew H. Wrigley, and Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring. Please contact the Department of Environmental Quality at ndsrf@nd.gov regarding specific detail on any of the projects mentioned above.