(NAFB.com) – Clean Fuels Alliance America and other groups representing agriculture and maritime fleets thanked Senate and House champions for introducing the bipartisan Renewable Fuel for Ocean-Going Vessels Act. Sens. Pete Ricketts (R-NE) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) sponsored the legislation in the Senate. Reps. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), John Garamendi (D-CA) and six others sponsored identical legislation in the House of Representatives. The legislation designates renewable fuel used in ocean-going vessels as an “additional renewable fuel” eligible for credit under the Renewable Fuel Standard. It will enable companies to preserve Renewable Identification Number credits (RINs) in the RFS program when renewable fuel is used in certain maritime vessels. “Global shipping companies are looking to U.S. farmers and fuel producers to take the lead in providing clean fuels,” said Kurt Kovarik, Vice President of Federal Affairs for Clean Fuels. “This commonsense legislation will remove a regulatory roadblock and enable U.S. biodiesel and renewable diesel producers in partnership with soy and canola growers to meet the needs of shipping companies at a competitive price. It will allow refiners and blenders to keep RFS credits for fuel used in ocean-going vessels that are currently being sacrificed.”