(NAFB.com) – National Pork Producers Council President Lori Stevermer testified during the “State of the Livestock Industry” hearing before the House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry. Stevermer emphasized the need for a federal solution for the problems caused by one state’s overreaching regulation threatening all of American Agriculture – California’s Prop 12. “It reaches far beyond California’s borders to include farmers in other states and even other countries,” she said during testimony. “The outcomes of Prop 12 defy common sense and create a patchwork of differing state regulations if Congress doesn’t act.” The NPPC President also says America’s 60,000-plus pork producers appreciate House Ag Chair G.T. Thompson addressing Prop 12 in his Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024. The House Ag Committee passed its bipartisan Farm Bill last year, which included 100 percent of pork producer’s priorities, and the NPPC wants it introduced and passed again this year.