JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Triumph, Inc., a human services organization in Jamestown, has wrapped up its “Spreading the Love” food and basic essentials drive. The drive, which ran from January 13th to February 13th , collected an
impressive 4,156 items to donate to three local food pantries: Community Action, Buffalo Bridges, and Salvation Army.
“This food drive has been a team effort from the beginning,” says Jennie Barnard, a co-founder of Triumph, Inc. Buffalo Bridges reached out to Triumph with the idea for a food drive. As Nikki M. from Community Action explains, food pantry supplies are low, and the need for food and basic essentials is high. Triumph eagerly took the chance to partner with the Jamestown community to meet this need, and community members have been exceptionally generous in their participation.
Community collaboration is foundational to Triumph’s philosophy. The people that Triumph supports enjoy volunteering; most of them serve regularly with various community organizations, and they jumped at the opportunity to carry out this food drive. People supported and staff worked together to decide on the goal for items to collect, shop for items with donated money, sort and count the donated supplies, and deliver the supplies to the food pantries. “I like helping people and giving back,” says Richard K., one of the people that Triumph supports. Richard participated in the food drive by buying extra supplies with money that had been donated and by handing out the donations, as seen in featured picture (Richard on
far right).
“We are so thankful for the generosity of our community,” says Ann Ede, the other of Triumph’s co-founders, “and we enjoy ‘Spreading the Love’ that we have received to others around us. We wouldn’t be who we are without them.”
For more information about Triumph, Inc., check out their website triumphnd.com and follow them on Facebook and Instagram @triumphincorporated.