
City of Valley City Clarifies Public Participation Guidelines for Open Meetings

Valley City, ND – The City of Valley City is reaffirming its guidelines for public participation for open meetings. As outlined in the Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws,” members of the public have the right to attend and observe open meetings but do not have an automatic right to speak unless permitted by the governing body.

To ensure efficient and respectful communication during City Commission meetings, the following guidelines have been established:

  • Public Conduct Expectations: All speakers must refrain from personal attacks and inflammatory language.
  • Time Limits: Public comments will be limited to five minutes unless additional time is granted by the presiding officer or a majority vote of the City Commission.
  • General Public Comment Period: A designated time for public participation will be scheduled during all regular open meetings. Those wishing to speak must sign in with the official sign-up sheet before the meeting, listing their name and subject. Comments must be relevant to current city business.

These policies are intended to promote productive discussions while maintaining order and efficiency during public meetings. The City of Valley City appreciates the public’s cooperation in adhering to these guidelines.

For more information on open meetings and public participation policies, please contact City Hall.

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