
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The 88th annual North Dakota Winter Show runs March 5th through March 9th.

The vendor show opens daily starting at 9am on Wednesday, March 5th. Milwaukee Tool Demo and Sale will be in the south exhibit building from 10am to 3pm. Wheels of Agriculture Game Show 11:15am, 3:15pm, and 5:15pm. Tractor Pull at 1pm, Chamber Ag Social 4pm to 6pm, and Truck Pull at 6pm.

It’s all about horses on Thursday, March 6th with horse team events starting at 8am, pony pull at 12:30pm, draft horse pull at 2pm, and Ranch Rodeo at 6:30pm in the main arena. Wheels of Agriculture Game Show 11:15am, 3:15pm, and 5:15pm. NDWS Ladies Luncheon on Thursday, March 6th at the North 9 in the Valley City Town and Country Club, doors open at 11am. Live music in the Gold Buckle Pub 5:30pm and 9pm.

On Friday, March 7th, the Queen contest horsemanship 8am in the main arena. PRCA Rodeo Slack 1pm. PRCA Rodeo starts at 7pm Military night. Wheels of Agriculture Game Show 11:15am, 3:15pm, and 5:15pm. Live music in Gold Buckle Pub 4pm and 9pm. Craft Show and Market at the Armory 10am to 7pm.

On Saturday, March 8th, Hippology contest main arena. Queen contest brunch and interviews at 9am in the south exhibit building. Two PRCA Rodeo performances, the first at 2pm Kids Day and the final rodeo at 7pm Family night. Live music in Gold Buckle Pub 12pm, 4pm and 9pm. Wheels of Agriculture Game Show 10am, 3pm, and 5pm. Craft Show and Market at the Armory 10am to 6pm.

On Sunday, March 9th, the Junior Cattle Show starts at 9am in the main arena. North Dakota Winter Show Church Service on the Ag Country Stage at 9am followed by Gospel Music at 10am. Wheels of Agriculture Game Show 11am, 1pm, and 3pm. 2nd annual pie contest at 1:30pm. The Bid Call Auctioneer’s Contest/King of the Sales Ring at 2pm on the Ag Country Stage Show in the south exhibit building.

Don’t forget to check out the fantastic food court during the 88th annual North Dakota Winter Show March 5th through March 9th. To view the schedule of event or to purchase ticket to key events go to northdakotawintershow.com or call 800-437-0218.