VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – CHI Mercy Hospital dedicated their new chemo infusion center on Friday, February 21st, the project was made possible by the generous contributions of the Thundering Saints, dedicated to the memory of Debbie Gabel to celebrate and honor Debbie’s life.
CHI Mercy Health spokeswoman Kayla Beilke said this new addition will eliminate the hardship previously faced by many cancer patients who had to travel to Fargo or Jamestown for treatment.
During the dedication ceremony CHI Mercy Hospital CEO Ryan Fowler talked about the positive impact the new chemo infusion center will have on this community.
Debbie Gabel passed away more than a decade ago, her husband Rocky Gable talked about what this dedication to the memory of Debbie Gabel means to him and his family.
To learn more about the Debbie Gabel Memorial Cancer Fund and how you can contribute, please visit mercyhospitalvalleycity.org/donate or contact Kayla Beilke at 701-845-6557.