BISMARCK, ND (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown High School Blue team beat out 9 other teams and captured the North Dakota State LifeSmarts Championship by successfully fielding questions about real-life marketplace issues at the RJ Bohn National Guard Armory on February 12, 2025.
LifeSmarts, a consumer education competition that challenges teens in grades 6-8 (Junior Varsity) and 9-12 (Varsity) about personal finance, health & safety, the environment, technology & workforce development, and consumer rights & responsibilities, is a program of the National Consumers League. In North Dakota, Megan Sauer, Heidi LaBree, and Katie Richard, of the North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions run the program.
Teens from across the state first competed online for a chance to advance to the in-person state finals. State Varsity Champion, Jamestown High School Blue, have qualified for the 2025 National LifeSmarts Championship to be held in Chicago, Ill, April 24 – 27, 2025.
“LifeSmarts participants in North Dakota have gained many of the consumer ‘smarts’ they’ll need to make it in the real world,” said State Coordinator Katie Richard. “We’re proud to have Jamestown High School Blue represent us in the National LifeSmarts Championship.”
Nedrose High School made it to the championship round and secured second place, Flasher High School took third, and Litchville-Marion’s Money Hounds team placed fourth. Additionally, two teams from Burke Central qualified for the state competition.
Additionally, Litchville-Marion’s Junior Varsity team Lightning won the online JV competition and will participate in the JV National Championship competition on Mary 14th-15th.
“LifeSmarts participants win by learning to avoid common consumer pitfalls and scams, navigate the government, prepare for their financial futures, and so much more,” said Cheryl Varnadoe, Associate Program Director of the National LifeSmarts Program.