VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Bradley Edin, Chair of the District 24 Democratic-Non-Partisan League (Dem-NPL) Party, announced that State Dem-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn and Democratic National Committeeman Jamie Selzler will headline the Sunday, Feb. 16, District Reorganization meeting at party headquarters, located in the lower level of the Straus Mall, 200 Central Ave. North in Valley City, starting at 2 p.m.
“North Dakota and the rest of this country have seen non-stop turbulence since Donald Trump was sworn in as President on January 20. Behind a virtual blizzard of illegal Executive Orders allowing a billionaire outsider to gain access to our nation’s financial machinery, and capriciously daring Congress, the Courts, and the People to stop him, he seems bent on destroying our country’s standing in the entire world!” Edin said. “Having our State Party Chair and National Committeeman present is an honor, but also a measure of how seriously Democrats here at home see events at both the national and state levels as grave threats to our future,” Edin added.
Selzler and Goldwyn recently returned from Washington, DC, where they engaged with national party leadership, members of Congress, and former Administration staffers. Goldwyn was elected Vice-President of the Association of State Democratic Committees for the Mid-Western Region, and both he and Selzler will be working closely with the new Democratic National Committee Chair, Ken Martin from Minnesota.
Events will begin with coffee and conversation when the doors to the Straus Mall open at 1:30 p.m. Remarks from Selzler and Goldwyn, with a brief Question-and-Answer period, will be followed by election of officers.
Chair Bradley Edin has announced he is stepping down. Other District 24 Officers eligible for re-election are Charlene Rawson, First Vice-Chair; Allen Blume, Second Vice-Chair (Policy); Tom Ricker, Secretary; and Mike Ferrell, Treasurer. In keeping with party rules, the floor will be open for nominations of other candidates. Party officers are elected for two-year terms and are eligible for re-election.
“It has been an honor and a privilege to be District 24’s Dem-NPL Chair,” Edin said. “There is much more to life than politics, but events of the past few weeks prove how important and necessary our engagement with it is.”
For further information contact Bradley Edin at (701) 845-5799, and bped@bektel.com