VALLEY CITY, N.D. (VCSU) – Generous donors can once again donate to the VCSU Foundation on Giving Hearts Day. For the ninth consecutive year, the VCSU Foundation is participating in the region-wide day of giving on February 13 to benefit non-profits.
Donations to the VCSU Foundation can be given that day online or can also be scheduled ahead of time at www.givingheartsday.org. Donations can also be dropped off at the Foundation Office prior to Feb. 13.
Any donation of $10 or more will be matched up to the first $5,000, allowing your gift to do more. The $5,000 matching gift is provided by Ludvigson, Braun & Co. – Matt Pedersen. Checks delivered to the VCSU Foundation Office must be dated Feb. 13 and reference Giving Hearts Day in the memo section.
In 2024, 260 donors gave $34,530 to the VCSU Foundation on Giving Hearts Day. These dollars help VCSU students through scholarship support in addition to supporting alumni gatherings, award programs, Homecoming activities and the alumni magazine The Bulletin.
As part of a continual improvement program at Fargo, North Dakota-based Dakota Medical Foundation (DMF) started Giving Hearts Day in 2008 as a simple but unique fundraising concept: Around Valentine’s Day, ask people to show affection to not only people they love but charities, too.
In the decade-plus since, the event has gone on to become one of the longest-running and most successful giving days in the country, providing a platform for North Dakota and northwest Minnesota charities to raise $195 million.