VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – This past week we received a few questions and concerns regarding SAFETY related items at or around our schools. After looking into these issues with SRO Hagen, we are sending this email asking for your help to address these concerns related to parking and student/pedestrian safety at VCPS. Please see the list below in no particular order;
HAC Parking Lot– we have changed the entrance/exit in the parking lot on the east side of the HAC. The exit from this parking lot onto Central Avenue was very challenging for cars after school and following events. The exit is now onto 4th Street NW.
Parking and Idling Vehicles– please do not park or idle your vehicle in places that are not designated for parking. This has been an increasing issue around VCHS after school in the HAC, district office, and north parking lots.
Handicap Parking– the handicapped parking spots on school property are designated for individuals with an authorized state issued handicap parking tag or pass. We saw some scuttle bug about this on social media regarding vehicles illegally parking at Jefferson Elementary. Please abide by the laws and respect the designated places for our handicapped individuals.
Crossing Central Avenue at Jefferson– we strongly encourage all parents and guardians to use the Jefferson/Hanna Field parking lot to pick up or drop off students at Jefferson Elementary. While we know it may be more time-consuming for you to use our parking lot, we are very concerned about the growing number of students/parents who are crossing Central Avenue without using a crosswalk.
Bus Stop Signs/Lights– when the bus stop sign is out and lights are flashing, all vehicles coming from either direction on the road must come to a stop. We ask you to please be aware of and follow this important law for the safety of our students who are getting on or off our buses.
Speed in School Zones– SRO Hagen and the VCPD do a great job of patrolling our school zones before and after school. We have received some recent reports of speeding vehicles on Central Avenue by Jefferson and VCHS. We kindly and respectfully ask you to be aware of your speed and be free of distractions in any of our school zones.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me and/or SRO Sean Hagen via email or phone at 701.845.0483 or SRO phone at 701.840.9761.
Josh Johnson (Superintendent)
Sean Hagen (School Resource Officer)