(NAFB.com) – On behalf of the nation’s sugarbeet and sugarcane farmers and workers, the American Sugar Alliance congratulated Kristi Noem on her confirmation as Secretary of Homeland Security. “We look forward to once again partnering with Secretary Noem to address the needs and priorities of America’s sugar producers,” the Alliance said. “From her time in Congress and as Governor of South Dakota, Secretary Noem knows well the challenges faced by the agriculture industry, which includes strong enforcement of U.S. trade and customs laws and safeguarding the supply chains that power America’s rural economies.” The Alliance also congratulated Marco Rubio on his confirmation as Secretary of State. “As the former Senator from Florida, Secretary Rubio understands just how deeply American sugar production is tied to America’s economy, food security, and rural communities,” the Alliance said. American sugarbeet and sugarcane farmers and their workers supply about 75 percent of the sugar consumed nationwide.