The City of Valley City has plans to build a $14,891,847.50 Public Works Service Center. According to documents the current service center in Valley City has reached its end of life. In 2021 the City of Valley City purchased Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of East Riverside Park Addition to the City of Valley City, located on East Main Street, of the purpose of constructing a new service center for the Public Works department.
Thirteen Million Dollars of the funding is through a loan from the Bank of North Dakota at a 2% interest for a 30 year term. ( See BND file below). The Project Budget Outline illustrates individual project line items including Site & Building Construction Budget of $13,135,000.00 and Architecture – Engineering Services of $970,422.50. (Project Budget Outline) plus other expenses. Unverified sources put the original purchase price of the the former John Deere building and land at approximately $400,000.00. The existing structure was recently sold for $555.00 to Lance Peterson who has to remove the building from the land to make way for the new Public Works Service Center.
An interview with Mr. Peterson owner of the building and founder of Project 555, revealed his vision of selling the building to the Valley City Schools for the School Busing Operation Headquarters. This would only be possible if the City of Valley City would sell or lease the land under the building to School. The school purchasing the building and utilizing it as the Bus shop would save the school from renting the building they are currently in and reduce cost.
As of the writing of this article no further information on the feasibility of this idea is available.
Following are images and links to the documents that NewsDakota.com had available at the time of posting this story. Click On the Image to view complete documents.
Request For Qualifications RFQ
RFQ for Architectural – Engineering Services
AIA Agreement A133 Owner and Construction Manager Doc.
Architect and Engineering Document
Geotechnical Engineering Report
For Further Information Contact Your Mayor and Commissioners: