VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – On Saturday, January 25th the first of the 2025 District 24 Legislative Forums of the 69th Legislative Assembly was held in the Hi Liner Activity Center (HAC.) The League of Women Voters did a great job organizing and administering the event at the HAC. Senator Wobbema, Representative Kiefert and Representative Johnston graciously attended and answered questions from a nice size crowd.
The next Forum will be held Saturday, February 22nd in the VCSU Skoal Room from 9:30am to 11am.
Following the forum and the car show, Sue and I went to “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” at our Valley Cinema. I don’t remember a story more “touching” and it will be showing here through Wednesday, January 29th. If you haven’t seen a movie at Valley Cinema since the new seats were installed, you’ll be amazed at the comfortable reclining lounges. I hope you check it out.
The South Central Transit Network in Valley City provides numerous and convenient transportation services around the area. Last week during one of the COLD & WINDY days, over 100 rides were serviced. Please see: valleyhttps://southcentraltran
The “Hot Rod Junkies Car Show” had great attendance along with over fifty cars and sixty-plus vendors, watch for it next year. Thank you Bridge City Cruisers & The Jamestown Classic Car Club.
Last week we were at the legislature to request funding for our Permanent Flood Protection (PFP). HB 1020 is to provide appropriations to defray the expenses of the Department of Water Resources from which we receive said funding. Gwen & Chad did a great job preparing and presenting funding needs to invest in our next PFP phase. Thank you.
Drivers, when you see equipment working on the street in your planned route, PLEASE alter your route. It is for your safety and the safety of your vehicle as your pickup or car is likely to come out on the short end of a collision with a backhoe or skid steer.
Thank you to all who provide and proof material for this column.
“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.” ~ Helen Keller
Blessings, Pray, be Respectful and Grateful, Dave Carlsrud mayor of Valley City.