JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – North Dakota Senator John Hoeven honored the service of the North Dakota National Guard’s (NDNG) 817th Engineer Company, following a one-year deployment supporting U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) operations at the southern border. Hoeven stressed the important work of the Guard members in keeping the nation secure, thanking them and their families for the sacrifices they make in defense of the country, whether at home or abroad. The senator also recognized the members of the 817th for the distinction they earned during the recent deployment, with the soldiers having received:
- 62 Army Commendation Medals.
- 53 Army Achievement Medals.
- 9 Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medals.
- 2 Meritorious Service Medals.
“The members of the National Guard, particularly in North Dakota, are some of the finest men and women our nation has to offer. The 817th Engineer Company’s record of excellence during their recent deployment to the southern border drives this point home,” said Hoeven. “We are deeply grateful to our Guard members for all of the ways they protect our country and for representing our state with honor and distinction. We continue working to ensure they have the training, equipment and support they need to succeed in the wide range of missions we ask of them. At the same time, getting our border under control remains a top priority for the new Congress and administration. That means supporting our border professionals and giving CBP the technology, infrastructure and personnel needed to secure the border.”
In total, four NDNG units have been deployed to the southern border since 2018, including the 957th Engineer Company, the 1-112th Aviation Regiment, the 817th Engineer Company and the 142nd Engineer Battalion. Hoeven previously met with NDNG members in El Paso, Texas as well as Del Rio and Eagle Pass, Texas to draw attention to the crisis at the southern border and highlight NDNG missions in support of CBP operations.