COOPERSTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Cole Koppang suffered a horrific injury to his right arm and hand after getting it caught and crushed in a chain conveyor last year.
Cole is a strong man with a business of his own, yet he makes time to help others with his broad range of skills and abilities. At home he has support from his future bride Brooke and a new baby boy Briggs. Cole could use our financial support as he is not able to work and his fiancée is doing at-home care for him and Briggs.
His aunt, Farrah Saxberg said December has been a month of appointments, including daily wound care, occupational therapy, meetings with orthopedics and his hand specialist. It sounds like both of the major surgeries that he has done will be “redone” this year. The bones in his forearm are not showing any signs of healing and the tendons in his hand have been exposed to long causing degeneration and they are getting stuck in scar tissue. His arm is very numb because of extensive nerve damage. He has to bandage his wrist area 2-3 times per day until having another surgery in January.
Saxberg said we appreciate all the prayers and support. “I strongly believe in the power of prayer! Prayers for strength, mental health, patience, and healing.”
A gofundme account for Cole Koppang has been set up to help defray medical and living expenses for him and his new family.