Kathy Hogan
BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – On January 7th, the regular session of the 69th Legislative Assembly will gavel in. In North Dakota, legislative sessions only occur for up to 80 days every other year, so this is a critical time for folks across the state to engage with your government.
The Democratic-NPL Caucus will be focused on the real issues impacting North Dakota families: lowering the cost of living, strengthening public education, reducing barriers to healthcare, growing our workforce, and reforming property taxes.
To make sure we are truly representing our communities, we need to hear from you on these and other important topics. That’s why we encourage you to reach out directly to your lawmakers this session. In North Dakota, legislators don’t have personal offices or private staff, so when you message a legislator, you can expect a response directly from him or her. You can find your legislators’ names and contact information on the Legislative Assembly’s website, ndlegis.gov There, you’ll also find live streams and recordings of House and Senate floor sessions and committee hearings and important information on bills. In addition to staying in touch with your lawmakers and tracking the session online, you can actively participate in the legislative process by testifying on legislation, either in person, virtually, or in writing. We also personally invite you to join us as our guests on the House and Senate floor, where you can watch your state government in action.
Representative democracy works best when every citizen participates. We want to and need to hear from you on the issues that matter most to your family. When everyone gets involved, we will be able to make our great state even better!
ND Senate Minority Leader Kathy Hogan and ND House Minority Leader Zac Ista