VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Support the library on Tuesday, December 10th from 2-4 pm on KOVC Radio.
The Library Foundation board will be holding a “Close the Gap Library-a-thon” event hosted by Steve Urness of KOVC.
You’ll get a chance to hear about the restoration project, and more from Library Foundation President, Joe DeMasi, Valley City Barnes County Public Library Board President Hilde van Gijssel, Library Director Anita Tulp, as well as Ryan Goodman from RDA, Inc, who was the contractor for the restoration project.
Please join us in helping to “Close the Gap” and fully fund the library restoration and roofing project Tuesday, December 10th from 2pm to 4pm on KOVC Radio.
Hilde van Gijssel said the library is an essential part of our community and the support of our city and county patrons is greatly appreciated.