JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Let’s celebrate our local authors! Don’t miss the first annual Local Author Fair on Saturday, November 16, from 12:00 to 3:00 pm.
Just drop by Alfred Dickey Library (105 3rd St SE, Jamestown) to meet with and talk to local authors. Bring your own copies of books to be signed or purchase books at the event. A book from a local author would make a fantastic holiday gift! This will be a wonderful family literary event. Refreshments will be served and we’ll have some fun ways to win prizes!
Follow James River Valley Library System on Facebook as they spotlight the attending authors.
Current authors attending:
M.C. Presler
SamiJo McQuistion
Estella Boger
Laurel Woiwode
Cierra Strom
Callen Kropp
Nancy Kuykendall
D.E. Carlson
RubyAnn Stiegelmeier
Charity A. Land
Steven A. Guglich
Aurora Dimitre
Jamie Stoudt
Loretta Jung
Kimberly Diede
Bill Vossler
Tom Sandhei
Paul Legler
Books also available by:
Larry Woiwode
Harold F. Duebbert