VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Valley City P.E.O. Chapter AZ is proud to announce that a VCSU college student has been awarded a prestigious Jane A. Taylor North Dakota Scholarship.
This fall, Elizabeth Gazeley was awarded a $1500 scholarship that was established by the ND State Chapter of the P.E.O. Sisterhood and was named for Jane A. Taylor, Past State President. According to chapter chairperson Susan Kringlie, this scholarship is highly competitive, with criteria including character, school activities, community involvement, current ND college student with high GPA and completed at least 64 credits.
Elizabeth shared that she is a fifth-year senior at VCSU in her final semester on campus. In the spring she will student teach in the Fargo area. She is a double major in music education and Spanish education. After graduation, Elizabeth plans to take a year off to apply and audition for grad school. Once accepted, she will pursue a master’s degree in vocal performance. Her goal is to perform and teach classical singing, live abroad and teach in a bilingual school.
“This scholarship came at an integral time for me as a student. Because it is my fifth year, many other scholarships do not extend this far into one’s undergrad. This financial support finished paying my tuition, meaning that I can now focus on my studies instead of applying for another job” states Elizabeth.
Don’t miss her final Senior performance concert at VCSU’s Robinson Center for the Arts on Nov. 23 at 7:30 pm.