(NAFB.com) – Gavins Point Dam releases in South Dakota will be reduced in late November as flow support for navigation ends. Releases are currently at 32,000 cubic feet per second. “We will continue to make releases from Gavins Point Dam to provide flow support at a level of 500 cubic feet per second less than full service through the end of the navigation support flow system,” says John Remus, Chief of the Core of Engineers. “The flow support season will end on December 1.” Release reductions to the winter rate of 12,000 CFS are scheduled to begin around November 22. Releases will be reduced gradually until they reach a rate of 15,000 cubic feet per second. October runoff in the Missouri River basin above Sioux City, Iowa, was 0.5 million acre-feet, which is 43 percent of the average. About 95 percent of the Basin is either abnormally dry or in a drought.