Kathy Nelson
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (VCTR) – Early detection is vital when it comes to cancer. CHI Mercy Hospital of Valley City has made
huge strides in helping with this when they announced their new mammography program in Valley City. Construction has been completed and the first patient has been seen at the new mammography suite in the Radiology Department. The space offers its own private waiting room and changing area, a dedicated mammography technician, and easy access on one floor
for all patients.
Aaron Wohlenhaus, who is the manager of the Radiology Department explains how this all came about. “About two years ago, the CHI Mercy Foundation said they wanted to invest in a new project for the hospital,” Wohlenhaus said. “The hospital pitched them a few ideas, and this was one they gravitated towards because of the outcome it can have for the women of our
community.” Wohlenhaus continues, “We set off designing the space and coming up with as many different ideas and plans to really make this a good environment for our patients.” The prior offerings for mammograms in Valley City required patients to walk up steps into a portable trailer for their screenings. This wasn’t possible for some elderly or disabled patients. The hospital’s new mammography suite is handicapped accessible, which was perfect for their first patient who is in a wheelchair. She previously could not have her exams completed in Valley City when her only option was the mobile unit.
Since early detection is crucial, Wohlenhaus explains that this new mammography machine is important. “The conversation with the CHI Mercy Foundation, hospital leadership, and myself from the very beginning were if we are going to do this we want it to be done right. When we were looking at the different options for a mammography machine, this one stood out because it can find specific nodules or worrisome areas as small as one to two millimeters. The reason that is important is because, to find them under one centimeter the chances for survival for cancer is over 90 percent. With this in mind we feel we are giving the patients in our community the best chance at being treated quickly and giving them the best outcomes.”
There are a couple of key points that Wohlenhaus says are vitally important in this story. One, patients can self-refer. He explains that, “They don’t need to go to their doctor and say I would like to go to CHI Mercy to have a mammography exam. They can call us and schedule their exam themselves.” Wohlenhaus adds, “We work with all providers, so if they have a regular doctor at Sanford or Essentia we can send their images there.” Another thing that Wohlenhaus says is important for people to know is the funding. “This whole room and the machine was funded by our local CHI Mercy Foundation.
Donations from the community through different events like the Foundation’s Annual Gala helped give themselves this option, so in a way, they invested in themselves.” The CHI Mercy Hospital wants to provide good quality options for our
patients and our community. A public open house for the Mammography suite is planned for November 14th from 4:00pm – 6:00pm.
The feature photo is Kathy Nelson, the first person to use the mammography machine at CHI Mercy Hospital in Valley City.
Story courtesy of the Valley City Times Record.