FARGO, ND (NewsDakota.com) – The Fargo Air Museum is hosting a Veterans Day program on November 11, presented by Vietnam Veterans Association Chapter 941. The program begins at 11 am with a welcome from the local VVA Chapter, followed by traditional ceremonies such as the Posting of the Colors, Laying of the Wreath, and POW/MIA Missing Man Service.
Rex Selnes of VVA Chapter 941 serves as the keynote speaker. Music provided by the Red River Valley Veterans Concert Band. A rifle volley salute by the Fargo VFW Post #762 Color Guard concludes the program along with a performance of Taps.
The program is free will donation with no pre-registration required. All are invited to attend. Coffee, cookies, and Veteran resources available.
The Fargo Air Museum was founded with the nonprofit mission of promoting aviation through education, preservation, and restoration. Located on 19th Ave. N. just east of Interstate-29, the Fargo Air Museum is home to aircraft of all eras. Visit fargoairmuseum.org for additional information.