SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Brenda Klein, finance director for the City of Valley City, was among 20 utility
professionals to earn her leadership certification as part of the LEAD Course, a workshop presented by Missouri River Energy Services (MRES).
The LEAD Course stands for Leadership, Excellence and Development, and it is a high-level leadership training course focused on the critical skills, awareness and perspective that makes a difference in the success of a leader in the municipal utility industry. To earn the certification, graduates attended four separate two-day sessions throughout the year with coursework covering communication, collaboration, change, accountability, learning from failure and practicing leadership.
“Workforce development is a strategic priority for MRES and a top concern for our members,” said Matt Schull, president and CEO of MRES. “Developing strong leaders within our member utilities is crucial to ensuring a reliable and resilient power supply for the communities we serve, and I want to congratulate this year’s class for taking a significant step forward in their leadership journey.”
MRES is a not-for-profit joint-action agency that provides wholesale electricity and energy-related services to 61 member municipalities in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. MRES is committed to enhancing the value of member utilities to their communities by supplying reliable, cost-effective, long-term energy and energy services in a fiscally responsible and environmentally sensitive manner.