BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Republican Kelly Armstrong was elected as North Dakota’s 34th governor on Tuesday, and by Wednesday, he was already assembling his leadership team in preparation for his Dec. 15 inauguration.
Armstrong announced several key appointments to his administration, emphasizing his commitment to addressing state priorities in partnership with federal leaders, including the Trump administration. In a media release, Armstrong highlighted North Dakota’s critical role in national food supply, energy production, and security, stating that “now that the campaign is over, it’s time to get to work and prepare for the upcoming legislative session.”
Leading Armstrong’s transition team is Al Dohrman, who will oversee management tasks and help coordinate across the incoming cabinet. Joe Morisset will direct budget preparations, while Jacy Schaefer will manage scheduling and communications. Armstrong underscored the importance of a cohesive team, saying, “I couldn’t think of three people that I would ask to do this.”
Additional appointments include Roz Leighton as chief of staff, Christopher Joseph as general counsel, Aaron Weber as policy director, Mike Nowatzki as communications director, and Conner Swanson as senior advisor.
One of Armstrong’s initial tasks upon entering office will be to address the existing state budget, making adjustments to reflect his administration’s priorities. He noted that a thorough and timely budget review is crucial for setting the stage for his policy objectives and long-term goals for North Dakota.