
ST. PAUL, M.N.  (USACE) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, plans to conduct surveys downstream of Baldhill Dam, near Valley City, North Dakota.

To ensure the surveys are done safely, Corps officials will reduce releases from the dam to 50 cubic feet per second, or cfs. The reduction from the current outflow of approximately 400 cfs will cause the river to become significantly lower than seasonal levels. Flows will return to normal once the surveys are complete.

The purpose of the surveys is to assess the condition of rip rap downstream of Baldhill Dam to determine if repairs are needed.

Additionally, the Lake Ashtabula fall/winter draw down began Oct. 1, and is currently ongoing. The draw down will continue after the surveys are complete.

Current and historical lake levels and releases can be accessed or All Corps reservoirs are operated in accordance with detailed water control manuals to ensure the system performs as designed.