
( – The Sustainable Aviation Fuel Coalition’s Executive Director, Allison Graab, issued a statement applauding the establishment of the bipartisan Senate Sustainable Aviation Fuel Caucus. The Caucus is led by Senators Jerry Moran (R-KS), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), John Boozman (R-AR), and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). “The SAF Coalition is grateful to Senator Jerry Moran and his colleagues, Senators Duckworth, Boozman, and Klobuchar for their leadership in launching the bipartisan Senate Sustainable Aviation Fuel Caucus,” Graab says. “The formation of the SAF Caucus is a positive step towards strengthening national energy security, driving economic growth, and generating quality jobs across the country through the development and deployment of SAF.” Graab also says her group is looking forward to working with the Caucus and other SAF supporters and advocates to enhance incentives to expand SAF production and support the nation’s energy needs. The SAF Coalition represents the entirety of the SAF value chain.