VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The League of Women Voters held a District 24 candidates forum on Tuesday, September 10th in the Hi Liner Activity Center.
Here are the District 24 North Dakota House and Senate candidates who are on the ballot for the November 5th general election. District candidates include Pete Gjovik (D), and Michael Wobbema (R) running for a seat in the North Dakota Senate. Dan Johnston (R), Dwight Kiefert (R), as well as Nancy Farnham (D), and Shawn Olauson (D) are seeking two seats in the North Dakota House of Representatives. Shawn Olauson didn’t attend the public forum due to an illness.
Five of the six candidates do not support Measure 4 (The elimination of property taxes) on the November 5th ballot.
One exception was Dan Johnston (R), who supports the passage of Measure 4 as well as a proposal to provide public funding vouchers for private schools in North Dakota.
Michael Wobbema (R) supports the idea to provide vouchers for private schools.
But, Dwight Kiefert (R) believes public funding for schools should continue to go to public schools.
Nancy Farnham (D) doesn’t support using public funds for private schools in North Dakota.
Pete Gjovik (D) doesn’t support the proposal to use a public funding voucher for private schools.
Earlier this month, League of Women Voters volunteer Vicki Voldal Rosenau talked about a nonpartisan one-stop-shop voter guide called VOTE411.ORG
North Dakota is the only state without voter registration, but to vote you are still required to be a United States citizen and a resident of North Dakota 30 days before the election and be at least 18 years old by presenting a valid voter ID that includes your current residential address.