FARGO, N.D. (NDSU) – The North Dakota 4-H Foundation has awarded 14 scholarships to 4-H members. Two of those, Alyssa Thomsen and Allison Bryn of Barnes County received scholarship awards.
“The North Dakota 4-H Foundation has the honor of having long-standing support for many scholarships,” said Katie Henry, a North Dakota 4-H Foundation board member and scholarship committee chair, and the North Dakota State University Extension family and community wellness agent in Cavalier County. She added, “The foundation had the privilege of increasing the award amount of the Steve E. and Mary M. Tuhy Scholarship and adding the Domagala Family Scholarship award this year. A huge thank you to the donors who support scholarships, educational programs, travel experiences, camping and much more for North Dakota 4-H members.”
- Eleanor R. Schulz Memorial Scholarship – Emma Gullicks, Steele County, $300
- North Dakota 4-H Foundation Scholarship in memory of John Norgaard – Lane Vachal, Mountrail County, $350
- Erwin and Nora Klusmann Memorial Scholarship – Alyssa Thomsen, Barnes County, $500
- Rosevold Memorial Scholarship – Allison Bryn, Barnes County, $400
- Jerome Striegel Memorial Scholarship – Abby Freeberg, Ransom County, $150
- William Bloom Scholarship – Quin Polensky, Billings County, $100
- John DeKrey Jr. and Hannah DeKrey Scholarship – Heidi Wiedeman, Cass County, $1,000
- John D. Paulson Memorial Awards – Amilia Lillehaugen, Marit Ellingson, Connor Hodek, all Walsh County, $1,000 each
- Kelci Jo Willson Memorial Award – Linnea Axtman, Cass County, $1,000
- Steve E. and Mary M. Tuhy Scholarship – Forrest Sears, Cass County, $750
- Domagala Family Scholarship – Gracia Tong, Williams County, $350
- Hanson Family Scholarship – Rebekah Pool, Emmons County, $500
To support North Dakota 4-H programs, visit https://bit.ly/