
Let’s Rock.  The fall bite is just getting started for walleyes on many waters in North Dakota, and anglers should get ready for an exciting surge in action as the season approaches. DEO Photo by Mike Peluso.

By Mike Peluso

Things are just starting to change across the state of North Dakota and we are nearing what I like to call “Rocktober.” This is definitely the time of year that it gets really hard to choose what a person wants to do outdoors. For me, my first choice is still a rod and reel.

I’ll start this week’s walleye report on the Missouri River near Bismarck. Like I said in my last report, there are a few fish around to be caught. We definitely are early yet for any fall migration to have started. Most the fish we are catching and seeing are the resident fish.

This is pretty typical every fall. We will do decent as the water drops for the annual fall drawback. After this happens it takes a couple weeks for things to straighten out. Judging from everything I’m seeing; however, I think the river will get good in the coming weeks!

Sakakawea is still producing some really nice walleyes and decent catches. The fish are on the move and can be finicky to catch at this time of year up there. Like my last Sakakawea report, I’m hearing of some nice walleyes up shallow. If you have a livescope, this is a fun time of year to chase a few big ones around up shallow!

Devils Lake is starting to kick into fall mode already. Water temperatures are down near the 60 degree mark and typically this brings on a good trolling bite up there. Old shorelines, rocks and roadbeds will all produce nice catches pulling cranks this time of year.

The boys are still hard at it guiding Devils Lake so if you are looking to mix a little fishing in with some hunting get ahold of Jason at I know they have a few openings if you want to get on DL yet this fall.

As for me, my October schedule on the Missouri River is filling up nicely. I will take bookings in November also if the weather permits. The long-range forecast is pretty promising.

Also, not to scare anyone and to rush us out of fall but it is time to start thinking about your winter ice fishing trips. Both Jason and I are taking bookings for ice fishing up on Devils Lake this winter. You can either contact me or again go to to get on the schedule. The winter we can take very large groups or small ones. We have plenty of guides to go around at Percheyes Guide Service.

Mike Peluso is a Dakota Edge Outdoors contributing writer and a licensed ND fishing guide specializing in walleyes on the state’s premier waters.