
BISMARCK, N.D. ( – The North Dakota Game and Fish Department has confirmed the presence of invasive zebra mussels in South Golden Lake, located in Steele County. The discovery was made during routine net sampling when zebra mussel veligers, the larvae of the species, were detected.

Ben Holen, the department’s aquatic nuisance species coordinator, stated that follow-up sampling confirmed the presence of adult zebra mussels in the 331-acre lake, a popular recreational spot southwest of Hatton.

As a result of the findings, South Golden Lake and its downstream connection, North Golden Lake, have been classified as Class I Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) infested waters. Emergency regulations are now in effect, prohibiting the movement of water from the lake, including water used for transferring bait. Notices about the new restrictions will be posted at lake access points.

South and North Golden Lakes now join other infested waters in the state, including Lake Elsie, Twin Lakes, Lake LaMoure, Lake Ashtabula, the lower Sheyenne River, and the Red River