PAGE, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Nearly 100 old-time tractors driven by their owners had a great time during the annual Darrel Brudevold Tractor Trek west of Page, North Dakota on Sunday, August 18th. But, there was one classic “Case” open air, self propelled combine that had fun crashing the tractor trek party too.
Family and friends from around the area have enjoyed this wonderful Tractor Trek for several years. This reporter covered an Antique Tractor Trek 20 years ago near Bismarck. So once I received an invite to ride an International “A” tractor twelve miles from the Curtis farm to the Brudevold farm, I jumped at the opportunity.
Once everyone was at the Brudevold farm, a four square mile trek began around the farm and once it was completed, brats, hot dogs, sweet corn and homemade bars were served to the delight of trek participants.
Special thanks to the Brudevold family for their wonderful annual event and gracious hospitality. Additional thanks to the Curtis family for providing a tractor for me and the fun trek down Barnes County 6. Enjoy the gallery of photos below.